No Exam for LKG/UKG – No examinations/academic assessments are to be conducted for students of classes LKG and UKG. A progress dossier is to be maintained by the class teacher.
Exams for classes 1 and above- Annual and other periodic exams and Assessments are to be conducted for students of classes 1 and above as per CBSE norms as amended from time to time.
Minimum attendance for Examinations- A student may not be allowed to sit in the session ending examination if he has not put in a minimum of 75% of the total attendance upto 31st January of the academic session, including attendance in the previous school, if the student has been admitted on transfer. Shortage of attendance can be condoned on valid medical grounds or special circumstances meriting this concession .
Grading system- All students are to be graded as per CBSE norms.
Medium of answering the Exams- Students are permitted to take the examinations in English only.
Proportionate credit- If a student fails to appear in any of the assessments on genuine grounds, he/she may be allowed proportionate credit of marks for such an assessment for the purpose of final assessment. The number of marks obtained by the student in various assessments are to be worked out. The average of marks obtained by the students in these assessments is to be allotted to the assessment missed by the student.